NA's 7th Tradition states that "Every NA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions." We are now collecting 7th tradition during this meeting, which pays for online costs, buys literature, and supports the fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous Worldwide. We accept both Venmo, PayPal and US Mail payments for 7th tradition.

    Contribute to 7th Tradition

    Venmo PayPal US Mail
    You'll need to install the Venmo application on your smartphone. You'll need to install the PayPal application on your smartphone Please send a check made out to Los Gatos Home Group
    Open the application, tap the Pay or Request icon Open the application, click Send To LGHG, P.O. Box 321238, Los Gatos, CA 95032
    Enter @lghg7th as the recipient Specify [email protected] as the recipient
    Please specify "LGHG Seventh Tradition" and the date and meeting time you attended (if possible!) as the payment note Please specify "LGHG Seventh Tradition" and the date and meeting time you attended (if possible!) as the payment note Please specify "LGHG Seventh Tradition" and the date and meeting time you attended (if possible!) in your letter
    You might want to choose the "Private" payment type, otherwise your Venmo transaction will be listed for others to see Make sure it is a "friend to friend" payment